Application Specialist Vacancy june2015

Company Industry: Software

Job title: Application Specialist
Education: BSC Commerce Accounting
Gender: Male
Minimum experience: 1- 2 years in related field.
Job Specifications:

• V. good English language
• Able to deal with MS Office
• Excellent communication skills
• Excellent problem solving skills
• Demonstrated ability on understanding client’s Business life cycle to be implemented it to application functions
• Must have the skill of self learning and the eager to continuously enhance his knowledge base and performance.
Job Responsibilities:
• Participates in training end users on Business Application at customers’ sites.
• Participates in the implementation process at customer site
• Participates in evaluation of new product and services
• Installs and Implements programs at client site

Place of work: Heliopolis
Email subject: Application Specialist
Contact Email: [email protected]

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