وظائف بمدينة زويل ابريل2014

Apply now for “Chemistry Faculty” vacancy” at the University of Science and Technology at ZewailCity
Job Type: Full Time
Description: The University of Science and Technology at Zewail City, is a new non-profit, academically elite institution specializing in STEM-based undergraduate and graduate education. The University has accepted its first freshman undergraduate class this year, composed of 300 top-ranked students, representing all regions of Egypt, and plans to initiate graduate programs within the next year.The University seeks two faculty, specializing in:
1. Organic Chemistry (Job code: OChem-014)

2. Physical and Analytical Chemistry (Job code: PAChem-014)

Candidates will contribute nine credit hours per semester of teaching in undergraduate and graduate courses in chemistry and in related courses as judged appropriate for their area of specialization.

The candidates will also play a major role in the development of a curriculum leading to a certified degree in Materials Science, Nanoscience, and related undergraduate programs. As part of Zewail City of Science and Technology, the University encourages faculty to conduct research programs through one of a series of Research Institutes.

Requirement: Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a related field. They will be evaluated according to their research record, including fit of research area to the position requirement, publications, record of securing extramural funds, research presentations, international collaborations, teaching record and philosophy and record of University and professional service.Required Documents:
• Letter of intent

• Detailed C.V. including full publication list

• Three reference letters

• Brief statements of teaching philosophy and research interests

• Any relevant supporting documents

Job Contact Person: Dr. Ibrahim El-Sherbiny
Job Contact Info: All required documents should be sent directly to [email protected] with the Job code in the subject line of the email. The position is open until filled.

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