وظائف بموقع اطلب لطلب الطعام اونلاين مايو2017

يعلن موقع اطلب عن حاجته شغل الوظائف التالية
For all the IT people out there, check out these IT Vacancies at Otlob
1- .NET Developer (6 Vacancies)
2- Senior .Net Developer (5 Vacancies)
3- Senior QC Engineer
4- Senior IOS Developer
5- Senior Android Developer
6- Product Lead
7- Senior Quality Assurance Engineer
8- Quality Assurance Engineer

9- Technical Project Manager
10- UI/UX Designer
11- Data Scientist
12- Product Development Manager
General Requirements:
• English and Arabic Fluency.
• From 2 to 5 years of experience in related job
• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/IT.
• A minimum of 1 year using Agile Methodology.
• Preferably to have experience using TFS.
• Open to travel internationally.
Contact E-mail: [email protected]

وظائف خالية