وظائف PHP OpenCart Developer مارس2017

الوظيفة المطلوبة: PHP OpenCart Developer
جهة العمل: My Shop
الدولة: وظائف خالية فى مصر
المحافظه: Cairo
الراتب المتوقع:

تفاصيل الوظيفه:

We are looking for developer to work permanently in our company to help us run our current website, and develop new ones.
You must be proficient in:
_ PHP OpenCart
_ HTML, CSS, Javascript and J Query
Other requirements :
_ Located in greater cairo
_ Fluency in English
_ Additional language would be a plus

الهاتف: 01002526471
البريد الالكترونى: [email protected]

وظائف خالية