وظائف شركه قطر للبترول اغسطس2016

اعلنت شركه قطر للبترول
عن توفر وظائف شاغره
في مختلف  التخصصات
Asset Integrity Engineering Services Maintenance Operations Bul Hanine
Bul Hanine Re-development Project Field Support Maintenance (Refining) Operations Dukhan Fields
Business Development Gas Operations Marine Operations Engineering

وظائف قطر للبترول
Business Support Gas Processing Mesaieed International School Operations Engineering (Offshore)
Business Support (Dukhan) General Services Offshore Engineering Operations North
Corporate Hse & Quality Health Safety and Environment Offshore Projects Operations North Field Alpha
Cyber & Information Security Healthcare Oil Refinery Operations South
Downstream Development Human Capital Onshore Engineering Project Services
Downstream Ventures Human Resources Onshore Projects Qatari Graduate Applicants
Drilling Industrial Cities Operated Offshore Oil Field Development Supply Chain
Education Information and Communication Technology Operation Maydan Mahazam Transmission & Distribution
Education Learning and Development

التفاصيل و التقديم علي الوظائف من خلال الموقع الرسمي قطر للبترول

وظائف خالية