وظائف بشركة National Gas للبترول اكتوبر2014

تعلن شركة ناشيونال جاس عن وجود وظائف متاحه لديها بمصر للعديد من المؤهلات
معلومات عن الشركه
National Gas S.A.E. was incorporated on 26/5/98 under the provisions of General Authority of Investment and Free Zones decree n. 961/1998, to operate in the transmission and distribution of natural gas from production sites to residential, commercial and industrial clients.

Its issued capital is 50 millions of L.E. Its shareholders are Oil & Gas Ltd of United Kingdom (55%), private Egyptian investors (40%) and AGSM Verona, a multi-utility company of Italy (5%).
National Gas area of operations is the Sharkeya Governorate (Eastern Delta), according to the concession awarded by the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC).

Company legal seat and main offices are in 10th of Ramadan City, managing offices are located in Heliopolis, Cairo.
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