وظائف بشركة كمبيومى مايو2014

وظائف في شركة CompuMe
CompuMe in the field of Information Technology is looking to hire large number of qualified calibers in the following departments:
1*((Sales “Indoor))
•Selling & Negotiation Skills
•Ability to deal with customers & solve complaints on the spot
•Good command of English
•Product Knowledge (IT Field Software & Hardware)
•Experience from 0 – 3 years
•Gender : Male
•Maximum 27 years old

2*(( cashier))
•Good command of English
•Experience : fresh graduate
•Maximum 27 years old
•Gender : Male & Female

3*((CRM coordinator “customer relationship management” ))
•customer service skills.
•Handle customer inquiries completely and accurately.
•Resolve customer complaints and problems for ultimate customer satisfaction.
•Good command of English
•Experience from 0 – 3 years
•Gender: Male & Female
•Maximum 27 years old

Qualified Calibers send their recently updated CVs to :
[email protected]

وظائف خالية