الوظيفة المطلوبة: 1- Mobile Application Developers
جهة العمل: wesoft company
الدولة: وظائف خالية فى مصر
المحافظه: القاهره
تفاصيل الوظيفه:
We Soft Company is interesting to hire the following
1- Mobile Application Developers with the following skills
a. 1 to 5 years of experience in mobile application development.
b. Strong and extensive knowledge in IBM MobileFirst/Worklight platform.
c. Certified MobileFirst/Worklight Developer is preferable.
d. Experienced in developing high quality native and hybrid mobile apps for enterprise solutions.
e. Proficient developer in different mobile environment such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry etc.
f. In-depth knowledge and advance skills in Java, Objective C or C/C++
g. Can work in any IDE such as IBM WorkLight, XCode, Eclipse, Android Studio
h. Proficient in web programming and data integration such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, web service, XML, jQuery, JSON and other third party libraries and APIs.
i. Knowledge in database programming such as MS SQL Server, Oracle or DB2.
j. Related skills in Photoshop graphic design and movie editing.
k. Ability to work in a fast paced, team oriented and agile environment.
l. Clear written and verbal communication.
m. Ability to work independently with changing requirements.
n. Well organized with exceptional attention to detail.
o. Ability to coordinate and find solution to the problem immediately with employees and management levels.
الهاتف: 01140302696
البريد الالكترونى: wesoft2015@gmail.com
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