وظائف بمكتب كودستا للدعاية مرتب 4000جنيه يونيو2017

Codesta digital agency:
We are hiring:
1-sales force: (out door)
Men &female’s
A-Experience: from 1 to 2 years.
B-English level: excellent.
C-Appearance: very good looking.
Starting salary 2000 to 4000 depending on experience and work
+percentage from 2% up to 10% depending on the project.

2-Ui/Ux designer:
A-Experience: at least 2 years.
B-creative Person.
C-English level:very good.
Starting salary 3000 to 5000 depending on experience and work.

3-Front end developer:
A-Experience: at least 2 years.
B-creative person.
C-English level:very good.
Starting salary 3000 to 4000 depending on experience and work.

Plz contact us on:
[email protected]

Or call us:
Tel:03 4274815
Mob: 01140079101

Or visit us:
Address:296-doctor said fahmy street zahret El madaaen tower2 smouha near of El Andalusia hospital.

وظائف خالية