وظائف Digital Marketing Specialist سبتمبر2016

الوظيفة المطلوبة: Digital Marketing Specialist
جهة العمل: IEREK
الدولة: وظائف خالية فى مصر
المحافظه: Giza
الراتب المتوقع: 10000
تفاصيل الوظيفه:

IEREK is a multinational company looking for a professional “Digital Marketing Specialist” in Cairo branch to attract and interact with targeted virtual communities and networks users through all available internet resources to increase company’s existence in world wide web.


• Proven working experience in this field or related field.
• Aware of all social media networks and how to use each for E-marketing.
• Good in both typing & reading English.
• Basic computer skills.
• Be actively involved in SEO efforts (keyword, image optimization etc.).
• Aware of all social media marketing techniques.

To apply for the job, Send your attached C.V to Email: [email protected] OR call mobile number: 01204992198

الهاتف: 01204992198
البريد الالكترونى: [email protected]

وظائف خالية