وظائف سكرتارية بمكتب ام ايه مراجعون و محاسبون مرتب 2000ج يوليو2017

الوظيفة المطلوبة: سكرتارية
جهة العمل: مكتب ام ايه مراجعون و محاسبون
الدولة: وظائف خالية فى مصر
المحافظه: القاهرة

الراتب المتوقع: 1200-2000
تفاصيل الوظيفه:

Auditing and Assurance office in maser el gadida Cairo is looking for Secretary ” office manger ” : –
1- bachelor degree required
2- good knowing of Microsoft office.
3-good speaking of English. ” an certificate from British council or AUC is favorable “
4-male or female.
5-from age 22 till 29.
6- good communication skills.
7-good looking
8-from Cairo is a must..
the job offers: –
1- 1 day vacation every week.
2- good salary ” depends on your skills “
3-Weekly bonus.
4-Seasonal bonus.
5-Social insurance.
6-Transfer allowance.
7-Replacement of overtime.
who finds him self compatible with this qualifications listed above please send his c.v to this email writing in the subject “facesec”.
email: [email protected]

الهاتف: 00226442316
البريد الالكترونى: [email protected]

وظائف خالية